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  جوجل تحتفل من جديد بالشاعر العربى محمد مهدي الجواهري بلانجليزية

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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الجنس : ذكر
المشاركات المشاركات : 1038
النقاط : 1266
التقييم التقييم : 10
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/08/2010
العمر العمر : 26

 جوجل تحتفل من جديد بالشاعر العربى محمد مهدي الجواهري	 بلانجليزية Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: جوجل تحتفل من جديد بالشاعر العربى محمد مهدي الجواهري بلانجليزية    جوجل تحتفل من جديد بالشاعر العربى محمد مهدي الجواهري	 بلانجليزية Emptyالأربعاء يوليو 27, 2011 1:55 am

Mohammad Mehdi Jeweler Born in (July 26, 1899) and died in (January 1, 1997) Arab poet Great (Mutanabbi age), who is from Iraq was born in Najaf, his father Abdul-Hussein world of scholars of Najaf, he wanted his son to be a religious scholar, so wear mantle of scientists and their turbans at the age of ten. Origins of the jeweler to the family of an Arab Najafih long, I got Najaf century atheist century AH, and its members were dubbed the "al-Najafi," and gained her title this "jeweler" in relation to the book of jurisprudential values ​​written by one of the ancestral family, Sheikh Mohammad Hassan Najafi, and he called the "Jewels of speech in explaining the laws of Islam "and comprising 44 volumes, after the title of" the jewels ", and his family nicknamed the" Al Jeweler "and the title came from the jeweler. The Koran is read at an early age and then his father sent him to the senior teachers to teach writing, reading, grammar, rhetoric, jurisprudence. And plans of his father and others to be kept in every day speech rhetoric and approach of the poem from the Court of Abu Tayeb skill.
Poetry at an early age and has shown a tendency since childhood, he went to the literature read in the book of the statement and the Identification and introduction to Ibn Khaldun, and collections of poetry, was the first in his life wearing a dress for the clergy, and participated in the revolted in 1920 against the British authorities.
Bureau issued a "between feeling and emotion" in (1928). The first collection of poetry have been prepared since (1924) to be published under the title "thoughts of love and poetry in the country and praise." And then worked briefly in the court of King Faisal I, when he was crowned king of Iraq and was still wearing a turban, and then leave the turban and left to engage in the court Faisali and started working with the press after he left Najaf to Baghdad, he issued a series of newspapers, including Al (Euphrates) and Al ( coup) and Al (public opinion), and several times elected president of the Iraqi Writers Union. k
Resigned from the court in 1930, to issue his newspaper (the Euphrates), and the government canceled its franchise and tried to re-issued, but without avail, remained without work until he was appointed a teacher in late 1931 in a school safety, then moved to the Cabinet Office, President of the Court of liberation, and then transfer secondary to Basra, was later taken to a school in Al Hillah. In late 1936, published a newspaper (the coup), following the military coup led by Bakr Sidqi stature, but he quickly rejected the political orientations of the coup was sentenced to three months in prison and a halt to the newspaper publication months.
After the fall of the coup government changed the name of the newspaper to (public opinion), did not allow her to continue publication, disrupting more than once because of what he was writing the articles critical of the policies of successive administrations. The position of the movement Maes 1941 negative for sympathy with Nazi Germany, and to get rid of the pressure he faced to change his position, he left Iraq with those who left to Iran, then returned to Iraq in the same year for resumes his newspaper (the public). Elected deputies in the Iraqi Council of Representatives the end of 1947, but resigned his membership at the end of January 1948 in protest against the Portsmouth Treaty with Great Britain, and in condemnation of the bloody suppression of the popular leap that broke out against the treaty and was able to bring them down. After submitting his resignation aware of hitting his younger brother was shot in a demonstration bridge is famous, who died several days later from his wounds, Frthah in the two poems, "My brother Jafar" and "Martyr's Day", that are the tops of the National Poetry provocation.
Participated in 1949 in the "peace advocates" universal, held in Bologna, and was the only Arab character actress in it, after the withdrawal of Dr. Taha Hussein to participate.
Participated at the funeral of Colonel Adnan al-Maliki in Damascus in 1956 and delivered his famous poem, which was the opening lines: "left Khashih submission behind me and I came Oqubs embers of the martyrs" in their impact and the granting of political asylum in Syria. He returned to Iraq in the summer of 1957 were called upon his return to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations, where he was accused of participating in the planning of a plot to overthrow the ruling regime in Iraq, answered them, sarcastically: Why Join with others and I can overthrow my tongue and my hair "and was released hours later.
Was an enthusiastic supporter of the Revolution of July 14, 1958 and the establishment of the Republic of Iraq and the title of "poet of the Republic" and was in the first two years of the republic close to Prime Minister Abdul Karim Qassim, but they turn this relationship later to crash and break, and faced a jeweler which harassed different, He left Iraq in 1961 to Lebanon and from there settled in Prague seven years, was issued to him by the Board in 1965 he called a new "e-alienation."
The main founders of the Writers Union of Iraqis and the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, after the establishment of the Republic and was elected first president of each. Stood against the coup, February 8, 1963, and chaired the "Movement for Defence of the Iraqi people" against him. The authorities issued a decision to withdraw the coup Iraqi nationality of it, and confiscation of movable and immovable, he and his children (not, neither he nor his children, have any of it).
He returned to Iraq at the end of 1968, an official invitation from the Iraqi government, after re his citizenship, and the Government has allocated, after his return, receive a pension of 150 dinars per month, in 1973 the head of the Iraqi delegation to the Conference of writers IX, which was held in Tunisia. Move between Syria, Egypt, Morocco, and Jordan, but he settled in Damascus, Syria, and stayed at the hospitality of the late President Hafez al-Assad. Generosity of the late President «Hafez Assad» grant him the highest decoration in the country, and the poem by poet Jeweler (Damascus Front Glory »is the height of the tops of his hair and the best poems
He left Iraq for the last time, and without the return, in early 1980. Toured in several countries, but the permanent residence in Damascus, where he spent the rest of his life until his death at the age of boat percent a year, in Syria, found stability and honor, and his poems wonderful poem about Damascus and praised the cooler heads Hafez al-Assad (peace Dear Assad .. delivered and received country). (Arab poet largest), which is well-deserved title early in his poetic career, and has chosen the Arabs wherever he was and where was his hair, although the arena was full of Arab poets of his time in the adult. Has won this title is well deserved and the consensus is absolute and confirms Mr. Faleh Al-Kilani authentic Iraqi poet. In his summary in Arabic poetry - contemporary poets (that is a jeweler Mutanabbi the modern era to the similarity between his style style Gu e poem and durability of hair)
This printed hair jeweler in the mind of each generation of emerging concepts and values ​​poetic humanity do not go away. The renewal came in his hair wreathed with all restrictions of the weight of high art and rhyme, language and style, music, beauty and performance.
Another TV interview with the late great poet was in Sharjah TV in 1992, Otinazaarth of the UAE to receive the Sultan Owais Prize in literary and cultural achievement, which have been developed in order to be proper codes of literature and Arab culture and was the first jeweler laureates. At this meeting he read his poem for the first time in his wife's lament Amouna ... The Interview Almzba Sufyan Jabr in the program [to meet the week] The meeting was broadcast dozens of times over the years. Died Jeweler in one of the hospitals in the Syrian capital Damascus in 1997 at the age of ninety-eighth, and organized his funeral an official and popular majestic, in which most of the pillars of the Syrian leadership, and was buried in the cemetery of strangers in the Sayyida Zainab in the outskirts of Damascus, covered map of Iraq carved on a stone Alkrani, and words : "Here lies away from the Tigris good .."
Held a huge celebration in his honor in the Kurdistan region of Iraq in 2000 on the occasion of the centenary of his birth was developed Nsben giants have in the cities of Erbil and Sulaimaniya, were carried out by the Iraqi expatriate sculptor in Switzerland Salim Abdullah.
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المشاركات المشاركات : 220
النقاط : 228
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تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2010
العمر العمر : 34

 جوجل تحتفل من جديد بالشاعر العربى محمد مهدي الجواهري	 بلانجليزية Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: جوجل تحتفل من جديد بالشاعر العربى محمد مهدي الجواهري بلانجليزية    جوجل تحتفل من جديد بالشاعر العربى محمد مهدي الجواهري	 بلانجليزية Emptyالأربعاء يوليو 27, 2011 10:42 pm

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♪♫ مؤسس المنتدى♫♪
ملك البحار

الجنس : ذكر
المشاركات المشاركات : 7351
النقاط : 11302
التقييم التقييم : 61
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/02/2010
العمر العمر : 32

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 جوجل تحتفل من جديد بالشاعر العربى محمد مهدي الجواهري	 بلانجليزية Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: جوجل تحتفل من جديد بالشاعر العربى محمد مهدي الجواهري بلانجليزية    جوجل تحتفل من جديد بالشاعر العربى محمد مهدي الجواهري	 بلانجليزية Emptyالخميس يوليو 28, 2011 4:46 am

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المشاركات المشاركات : 111
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تاريخ التسجيل : 26/07/2011
العمر العمر : 36

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: جوجل تحتفل من جديد بالشاعر العربى محمد مهدي الجواهري بلانجليزية    جوجل تحتفل من جديد بالشاعر العربى محمد مهدي الجواهري	 بلانجليزية Emptyالجمعة يوليو 29, 2011 5:15 am

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